Savoir conjuguer à tous les temps


Présent progressif ou continu ou en ing

Présent simple

Prétérit simple

Present perfect

Prétérit progressif


Conjuguer à tous les temps

Se repérer dans le temps


Temps/ marqueurs

Forme affirmative

Forme négative

Forme interrogative

Réponses courtes

Present progressif ou continu

Actions en cours

Sjt+be au présent+BV+ing

Sjt +be au présent+not +BV+ing

Am/is/are +sjt+ BV+ing

Comme be au present


At the moment


It’s raining cats and dogs

I’m watching

She is coming

You are going

He’s carrying

I’m  not going

I am not going

She isn’t coming

They are not looking

Is he coming

What are you doing?

Yes, I am

No, she isn’t

Yes, they are

No, I’m not..



Revoir la conjugaison de “be” et “have”

Les marqueurs de temps


Present simple


Actions habituelles

Simple sauf le s à la 3ème personne du singulier

I/you/they/we +do not (=don’t) + BV

She/he/it + does not (=doesn’t) +BV


Auxiliaire do ou does à la 3ème pers du singulier

Sujet pronom + don’t ou doesn’t à la 3ème personne du singulier


Once a week

twice a year

10 times a month

never, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always

I love you

You need

He finds


I don’t know

She doesn’t see

They do not understand


Where do you live?

Does she live in England?

Yes, she does

No, he doesn’t

Yes, I do

No, they don’t


Exercices :

présent simple

présent simple ou présent progressif

Les marqueurs de temps


Le préterit simple

To be

Forme affimative

Forme négative

Forme interrogative

Réponse courte

I / she / he / it

 (I) was

(she) was not = (she) wasn’t

Was (she)

Yes, (she)  was

No, (she) wasn’t.

You / they / we

We (were)

(We) were not = we weren’t

Were (we)

Yes, (we) were

No, (we) weren’t)


Conjuguer “to be” au prétérit




Le prétérit simple

Forme affirmative

Forme négative

Forme interrogative

Réponse courte


Action Passée Datée Terminée

VR : verbe régulier

VI : vbe irrégulier

Sujet +VR +ed

Sujet + VI (2ème colonne)

Sujet + did not (=didn’t) + BV

Auxiliaire did + sujet + BV

Yes, sujet did (Yes, I did)

No, sujet didn’t (No, I didn’t)


Two months ago

Last Tuesday

I watched

She came

They took

He shot the sheriff but he didn’t shoot the deputy.

You did not relax

Did you live..?

Where did she go?

Yes, she did

No, they didn’t



Revoir les VI (verbes irréguliers)

Les marqueurs de temps


Le present perfect

Bilan, constat.

Seul le résultat présent compte.

I/you/they/we have + PP

She/he/it +has +PP

PP=participe passé

PP verbes Reg : BV +ed

PP verbes Irr : 3ème colonne

I/you/they/we +have not +PP

I/you/they/we +haven’t +PP

She/he/it has not + PP

She/he/it/ hasn’t + PP

Have+I/you/they/we +PP

Has +she/he/it +PP

Yes, sujet + have ou has

No, sujet + haven’t ou hasn’t

For + une durée

Since + moment précis

Not yet



Gosh! I have lost my keys!

She has already finished

I haven’t seen him since my birthday

They haven’t done the washing-up yet!


Have you ever been to Asia?

Yes, she has

No, they haven’t




Conjuguer au present perfect

Not… yet


Le prétérit progressif

Action passée, datée, terminée.

Correspond à l’imparfait par opposition au passé simple.(en anglais en opposition au prétérit simple.

I/she/he/it + was +BV ing

You/they/we + were + BV ing

I/she/he/it was not BV ing

I/she/he/it/ wasn’t BV ing

You/they/we were not BV ing

You/they/we+weren’t BV ing

Was +she/he/it/I + BV ing

Were + you/they/we + BV ing

Yes, I/she/he/it+was

Yes, they/we/you +were

No, I/she/he/it wasn’t.

No, they/we/you weren’t


Two months ago

Last Tuesday


I was having a bath when the phone rang.

They were cooking while I was watching TV in a sofa.

I wasn’t watching

They weren’t cooking

What was she doing?

Were they making a cake?

Yes, I was

No, you weren’t



Preterit simple ou preterit progressif


Conjuguer à tous les temps

Se repérer dans le temps



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