Short answers

Write the short answer.
ex : Do you like doing exercises? yes, ________=>Yes, I do. Pour répondre par une réponse courte, on commence par Yes ou No, puis on reprend le pronom sujet, et on ajoute l'auxiliaire qui convient (le même que dans la question. Quelques exemples.

Can she..... Can Barbara..... Yes, she can. No,she can't.
Would they..... / would Peter and Bob..... Yes, they would No,they wouldn't
Do we.... Yes, we do. No, we don't
Are you ......... Yes, I am No, I'm not.


Are Peter and Barbara married? Yes, .

Is there any sugar in the cupboard? Yes, .

Can pigs fly? No, .

Are there any bananas in the kitchen? No, .

Could you read when you were four? No, .

Did they come last week? Yes, .

Do you live in Paris? Yes, .

Does she know how to make Christmas logs? No, .

Have you ever been to Australia? No, .

Are Jane and John coming next week? No, .

Will he get married? No, .

John, do you like this colour? No, .

Have you both passed your exams? Yes, .

Is there any water in Death Valley? Yes, .

Has Harry got his driving licence? Yes, .

Would she like a soda? No, .

Was it raining yesterday? Yes, .

Does your mother speak English? No, .

Will they go to Spain? Yes, .

Should he go and see a doctor? Yes, .