Prétérit simple ou progressif?

It ( to be) Sunday evening. My parents were out and my brother ( to listen to) CDs upstairs in his room I (to sit) in the living-room with a friend chatting. Suddenly my friend (to smell) something burning. It was coming from the kitchen. There (to be) smoke everywhere and I could see three black sausages in a pan on the cooker. There were flames coming from the pan. I (to run out) of the kitchen and (to shout) to my brother: “you stupid idiot! You've forgotten the sausages!” My friend (to run) out of the living-room shouting :”Quick! Ring the Fire Brigade!” My brother ran down the stairs shouting: “It's not my fault! I (not/ to know) what to do. My friend (to say) : “Quick! Get a towel and put it over the pan! “ I (to run) upstairs and (to get) a towel and (to put) it over the flames. The fire (to go out) immediately but the house (to be) full of smoke and the walls (to be) black. Then I (to hear) the front door bell ring. “That's the Fire Brigade”, (to say) my brother. “But I haven't phoned them!” I (to tell) him. I (to go) to the door and (to open) it. It (to be) my parents. “Hello Dear, are you all right? You look terrible!” My mother said.