
Complétez le texte avec les mots choisis dans la liste déroulante

The cooker is not the person who prepares the food - that is the - but the used to supply .
Most cookers have four (plaques de cuisson) , usually situated on the top surface. Other names for hot-plates are gas or electric . These are used for (bouillir), (cuire à la vapeur), (pocher), (frire) and for making chips. Below the hot-plates, you normally find the which delivers heat from above.
Grilled and toasted are commonly eaten for breakfast in Britain. Below the grill, is a chamber called the which is used for and . A roast potato is peeled and cooked in , while a baked potato remains in its .
Some words on the menu assume more than one process. For example, a mashed potato is created first by and then by - crushing the boiled potato with a fork. Butter is usually to give the final product a smoother texture