Parler de ses vacances passées

Demander s'il y avait .

ex : Was there a nice weather? Yes, there was.
Were there many people sunbathing on the beach? No, there weren't because it was too cold. ..........

Demandez s"'il y avait" et donnez la réponse suggérée.

ex: evening games? (-) => ? .

a mini-golf? (+) => ? Yes, .

enough toilets? (-) => ? No, .

snow on the mountains? (+) => ? Yes, .

large beaches? (+) => ? Yes, .

a souvenir shop? (-) => ?No, .

palm trees on the beach? (-) => ? No, .

a river in the valley? (+) => ? Yes, .

good music in the disco? (-) => ? No, .

old castles to visit? (+) => ? Yes, .