Stupid laws



  • It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church. >.
  • Putting salt  on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
  • Men may not spit in front of the opposite sex.


  • Moose may not be viewed from an airplane.
  • It is considered an offence to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.


  • When being attacked by a criminal or burglar you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person possesses.
  • It is illegal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling.


  • A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.


  • It is a misdemeanour to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.
  • No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
  • Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
  • It is illegal for a man to beat his wife with a strap wider than 2 inches without her consent.
  • Molesting butterflies can result in a $500 fine.
  • It is illegal for a secretary to be alone in a room with her boss.
  • One may not carry a lunch down the street between 11 and 1 o'clock.
  • Persons classified as "ugly" may not walk down any street.


  • Car dealers may not show cars on a Sunday.


  • You may not educate dogs.


  • It is illegal to fly over any body of water, unless one is carrying sufficient supplies of food and drink.


  • If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
  • You are not allowed to break more than three dishes per day, or chip the edges of more than four cups and/or saucers.


  • Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.
  • One man may not be on another man's back.
  • It is illegal for a chicken to cross the road.
  • Though it is illegal to spit from a car or bus, citizens may spit from a truck.


  • Coins are not allowed to be placed in one's ears.


  • Illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than fifty pounds.
  • You may not fish on a camel's back.


  • Law forbids eating in a place that is on fire.
  • It is illegal to give a dog whiskey.


  • It is illegal for a liquor store to sell cold soft drinks.
  • Men are prohibited from standing in a bar.
  • Within four hours of eating garlic, a person may not enter a movie house, theatre, or ride a public streetcar.


  • One-armed piano players must perform for free.
  • A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public.


  • Rabbits may not be shot from motorboats.
  • If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.  


  • It's illegal to fish in the Ohio River in Kentucky without an Indiana Fishing License.
  • All bees entering Kentucky shall be accompanied by certificates of health, stating that the
    apiary from which the bees came was free from contagious or infectious disease.
  • By law, anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until he or she "cannot hold onto the ground."


  • It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol.
  • You may not tie an alligator to a fire hydrant.


  • You may not step out of a plane in flight.


  • It's illegal to take a lion to the movies.
  • Eating while swimming in the ocean is prohibited.


  • It's illegal to keep a mule on the second floor of a building not in a city unless there are 2 exits.
  • No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.
  • Children may smoke, but they may not purchase cigarettes.
  • It is illegal to frighten a pigeon.


  • A woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.
  • Smoking while in bed is illegal.


  • All men driving motorcycles must wear shirts.
  • Hamburgers may not be eaten on Sundays.


  • It is illegal to drive around the town square more than 100 times in a single session.


  • Minors can buy rolling paper and tobacco but not lighters.
  • Four women may not rent an apartment together.


  • It is a felony for a wife to open her husband's mail.


  • If a child burps during church, his parent may be arrested.
  • It is Illegal to go whale fishing.
  • Barbers are forbidden from eating onions between 7 A.M. and 7 P.M.


  • It is illegal to drive a camel on the highway.

·         A man is forbidden from buying drinks for more than three people other than himself at any one period during the day.

New Jersey

  • It is illegal to offer whiskey or cigarettes to animals at the local zoo.
  • Raw hamburger may not be sold.

New York

  • It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun.
  • The penalty for jumping off a building is death.
  • A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket.
  • While riding in an elevator, one must talk to no one, and fold his hands while looking toward the door.
  • Slippers are not to be worn after 10:00 P.M.
  • During a concert, it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on the sidewalks.
  • Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business.

North Carolina

  • If a man and a woman who aren't married go to a hotel/motel and register themselves as married then, according to state law, they are legally married. 
  • Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited.
  • You may not ride a bicycle without having both your hands on the handle bars.

North Dakota

  • Beer and pretzels can't be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant.
  • It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
  • It is legal to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered wagon.


  • Owners of tigers must notify authorities within one hour if the tiger escapes.
  • No one may be arrested on Sunday or on the Fourth of July.
  • It's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.
  • It is against the law to roller skate without notifying the police.
  • A policeman may bite a dog to quiet him.
  • Riding on the roof of a taxi cab is not allowed.


  • Violators can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog.
  • It is illegal to wear your boots to bed.
  • Molesting an automobile is illegal.


  • People may not whistle underwater.
  • One may not box with a kangaroo.
  • No more than two people may share a single drink.


  • You may not sing in the bathtub.
  • Fireworks stores may not sell fireworks to Pennsylvania residents.
  • You may not catch a fish by any body part except the mouth.
  • No one is allowed to sleep on a refrigerator.

Rhode Island

  • You may not sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday.

South Carolina

  • It is perfectly legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays.
  • It is illegal to sell any alcoholic beverages on Sunday, unless you own a private club.
  • Horses may not be kept in bathtubs.

South Dakota

  • It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.
  • If there are more than 5 Native Americans on your property you may shoot them.


  • It is illegal to use a lasso to catch a fish.
  • Driving is not to be done while asleep.
  • The age of consent is 16, but 12 if the girl is a virgin.
  • It's illegal for frogs to croak after 11 PM.


  • It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.


  • Birds have the right of way on all highways.
  • It's legal for restaurants to serve wine with meals, but only if you ask for the wine list.
  • Throwing snowballs will result in a $50 fine.


  • Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.


  • You cannot sell lettuce on Sunday, but you can sell beer, wine etc.


  • It is illegal to kiss on a train.
  • It is illegal to wake a fireman when he is asleep.


·         You may not take a picture of a rabbit during the month of June.