guiness records

Complétez le texte avec les superlatifs suggérés (+) puis répondez aux questions.

superlatifs de supériorité (le + ....) superlatifs d'infériorité (le - .....)
adjectifs courts (1 syllabe ou deux si terminé en y)
the adjectif+est (the saddest; the happiest, the nicest)
les adjectifs longs
the most +adjectif
The most comfortable
les adjectifs irréguliers
good=>the best
bad=>the worst
far=>the farthest
the least +adjectif
The least modern
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(+ old) Snake

(+ great) age reliably recorded for a snake is 40 years, 3 months, and 14 days for a male common boa (Boa constrictor) named Popeye, who died at Philadelphia Zoo, Pennsylvania, USA, on April 15, 1977.

What was the name of the snake?

Write the questions.
? It died on April 15th 1977
? It was 40 years old.

Write the date in full letters.