Comparatifs et superlatifs

Comparatifs ou superlatifs? A vous de choisir!

Comparatifs de supériorité (+...) comparatifs d'égalité (aussi .... que) comparatifs d'infériorité (- .... que)
adj. 1 syllabe ou 2 syllabes si terminé en y (sad / happy...)
adj en y=>ier
adj longs (2 syllabes et plus) (modern/comfortable...) adj irréguliers
as adjectif as
less adjectif than
Pater is richer than Betty
but she is happier than him
He is bigger than last year
Potatoes are more fattening than vegetables Her cooking is worse than my mother's Fast food is as tasty as traditional food A is less intelligent than me!
Pour traduire"bien plus", on ajoute much : It's much easier than I thought (c'est bien plus facile que je ne pensais)
Devant un nom, on met "more" (ex : plus de sucre : more sugar)
Les superlatifs
superlatifs de supériorité (le + ....) superlatifs d'infériorité (le - .....)
adjectifs courts (1 syllabe ou deux si terminé en y)
the adjectif+est (the saddest; the happiest, the nicest)
les adjectifs longs
the most +adjectif
The most comfortable
les adjectifs irréguliers
good=>the best
bad=>the worst
far=>the farthest
the least +adjectif
The least modern

Paul is Peter (+ tall)

Jane is much Paul (+ small)

Jennifer is Paul. (not = tall)

Paul is in his class. (+++ tall)

Travelling by plane is travelling by car. (+ quick)

Travelling by car is travelling by train. (+ convenient)

According to teenagers, the moped is means of transport. (+++ pleasant)

Kerry Packer is in Australia. (+++ rich man)

Do you know what ? I've improved my English and I am now at English in the class! (+++ good)

Epinal is from Gerardmer than Remiremont. (+ far)

It's raining cats and dogs today. Yesterday, it was only cloudy. The weather is yesterday (+ bad) and I am afraid it is tomorrow. (+ good)

Learning geography is as learning English. (not = interesting)

A dog is a cat. (+ easy to train)

I met a new guy yesterday night : He's surely man, man, the man I've ever met! (+++ nice) (+++ interesting) (--- stupid)

He cannot be my new boyfriend! (= kind)

You should buy these trousers! They are far the ones we've seen in other shops. (- expensive)

I think eating greens is eating meat. In fact I hate meat! (= good for your health)